MIDLIFE MAGIC is Jo Ann’s first book. The memoir contains stories about her first six marriages involving abuse, divorce, and death. Jo Ann talks about meeting and marrying husband #7, a former military intelligence officer incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit. Having been an active member of the Mormon Church for nearly 30 years, Jo Ann left the Church to fully embrace the world of UFOs, elementals, magic and the paranormal – a new path she loves.
THE PRINCE WAS WRONG – LEAVING THE NARCISSIST BEHIND is Jo Ann’s second book, to be published in mid-to-late 2024. This book is a follow-up memoir to the first book as Jo Ann discovered the reality that husband #7 is a narcissist. This book discusses the red flags of this type of abuse. It lays out the demise of their relationship with clear examples of his narcissistic behavior. The ‘happy ending’ chapter shows that Jo Ann has found a joyous life after divorcing #7 and is on the path to creating her best life.