Jo Ann & Her Books
About Jo Ann
JO ANN FAWCETT is a California native. She has Associate of Arts degrees in film production and Accounting. She is the mother of a successful grown daughter and is the proud grandmother of three. She enjoys reading, needlework, walking, travel, and spending time with the family. She is owned by her sibling cats, Winston and Princess Charlotte.
Jo Ann never aspired to be a writer. In the late 90s she published a community newspaper, writing articles about interesting places to visit and environmental issues. Years later while speaking at a Super Soldier conference about her former husband’s military experiences, an attendee asked her when her next story was coming out. Not her husband’s next story – HER story. Several years later, Jo Ann finally put her story on paper.
Jo Ann writes from the heart and is grateful for the inspiration that flows to her. She writes matter-of-factly, weaving in her own style of humor. She openly shares her vulnerability. Readers enjoy her honesty and praise her courage to share her story. Through her many struggles, she found her strengths, gifts, and inner power. She learned that dreams can, and do, come true. Today she is a warrior who proudly carries the title, Wise Woman-Crone.
MIDLIFE MAGIC is Jo Ann’s first book and can be purchased at DRAGONHILLBOOKS.COM. THE PRINCE WAS WRONG – LEAVING THE NARCISSIST BEHIND is Jo Ann’s second book, published in July of 2024 and is available on Amazon. Her third book is a companion piece to The Prince Was Wrong, entitled PATHWAYS TO HEALING JOURNAL, availabe on Amazon as well.
The magical benefit of writing these books and doing her healing inner work is that Jo Ann has found her voice, passion, and desire to help other women who feel stuck and overwhelmed in their toxic relationships. Jo Ann wishes to offer the hope that healing can happen. Their lives can get better. They can find peace and joy in their lives once again.
Midlife Magic
the journey of JO ANN RICHARDS
leaving the NARCISSIST behind
Midlife Magic takes you on the transformative journey of Jo Ann Richards’ life, from her typical suburban childhood, through six marriages involving abuse, divorce, and death, to her current marriage to a military intelligence officer incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit. Jo Ann had been an active member of the Mormon Church for nearly 30 years before leaving it behind to fully embrace the paranormal world of UFOs, elementals, and magic which had long spoken to her soul. Through her many struggles, she found her strengths, gifts, and inner power, and learned that dreams can, and do, come true. Today she is a warrior who proudly carries the title, Wise Woman-Crone.
The Prince Was Wrong – Leaving the Narcissist Behind is Jo Ann’s second book, published in July 2024. This book is a follow-up memoir to Midlife Magic as Jo Ann discovered the reality that husband #7 is a narcissist. Learn the red flags of this type of abuse. Experience the demise of their relationship with clear examples of his narcissistic behavior. Share Jo Ann’s joy now that she’s found a happy and fulfilling life after divorcing The Prince and is creating her best self.
what people say about Jo Ann
her interviews, her BOOKS and more
I liked the way it was written. Down to Earth and makes you feel like you are taking the journey with the author.
I learned many valuable life lessons, gained strength from the way the author presented her life, her attitude devoid of self-pity, her pride in herself for moving forward and free…Great economy of words used throughout kept my interest keen and helped me divine the subtext…Whether it was Raptors, Elementals, or husbands past and present, it was a rare and unique glimpse into the life of a mystical magic accountant grandmother who finally found her own voice and has the courage to share it with the world.
I am a bit of a voyeur, like most people. So, it was nice to have a look into your life, how you developed as a person. You write from your heart, with your mind in the right place. Also the way you show yourself to the larger public matches with the picture you paint in the book.
The devotion Jo Ann had for her husband, and her willingness to support him, was so beautifully outlined. Her selflessness and faithfulness in carrying out his vision, and then the lack of support she felt when he failed to support her was heartbreaking.
“It is never too late to find a new path and follow it.
it is never too late to change our lives for the better.”
Jo Ann Fawcett
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